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Innovation and control


Strict controls to assure the highest quality standards

The Quality Management System in Normalien is certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Each step of the production process is supported by the Quality System, which has specific Laboratories at 4 strategic positions within our plant: melting furnaces, die-casting, mechanical machining, final inspection.
Quality certified and guaranteed by the most modern instruments
Fascia sliding 1
The most modern instruments
5 x ZEISS CMM Accura, Contura, Duramax machines

ZEISS 3D optical scanning device

Industrial Bosello Radioscopic System with Computerised Tomography

SPECTROMAXx spectrometer

Leica DM4000 microscope
Fascia The most modern instruments 1
/Metrology laboratories
Continuous monitoring
The company regularly performs statistical capability studies (SPC) from the earlier stages of the project to the serial production. A specific monitoring software further supports the Quality System by processing data from all departments in real
time, showing qualitative and dimensional performance of components during the complete production line.